With 1st OPUS
You Belong
Show that you are a member of the Entertainment
Community whenever you pay with your 1st Opus card, attend exclusive 1st OPUS events, and show off the latest industry lifestyle & Merchandise.
Community whenever you pay with your 1st Opus card, attend exclusive 1st OPUS events, and show off the latest industry lifestyle & Merchandise.

Support your community
Every time you use your cart, 5% of our net profits are dedicated to the development of ACE opportunities and communities
Cross-platform app
Ready-made fully customizable neobank applications for Web, Android, and iOS.

Plastic Virtual and companion cards
Fast ordering, flexible control and instant readiness of any card for you and your family right in the app
Support your
favourite artists
favourite artists
Use your debit card, get points for rewards, and fund your artists, athletes and creatives next project
- See/Hide Card balance
- Upgrade plan
- See/Hide card status
- Block card
- Unblock card
- Reorder card
- Remind card pin
- Show/Request card details via sms / Security feature
- Free monthly card plan
- Subscription card plan
- Global ATM withdrawal
- Companion cards
- ATM Locator
- Rename card
- Card statuses badges
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- Make online transactions via Companion Card
- Add Companion Card to Google / Apple Pay
- Load Companion Card
- Control Companion Card spending via application
- Money transferring between Companion Card and Main Account
- Notify Companion Card user about transactions via email
- 3DS codes sends to Companion Card user email